Monday, November 3, 2008

What do you say?

Words fail me right now, and I struggle to even write.  I have found this to be very therapeutic, to just get it out, so I will do my best.  First, I must say thank you so much to all of you who have been in prayer for our family.  I never thought that we would experience what we did tonight. Brooke and I were sitting at our dining room table this evening when I got a call.  Charles called me to let me know that Thunder's Mom wanted to meet us tonight.  God has had us on such a roller coaster ride.  Around 6pm tonight, the time had finally come, it was time to meet Thunder's mom.  Anxious, Brooke, Brit and I made our way to the Robinson home.  Before we knew it, we were sitting in a circle together to discuss the option of us becoming Thunder's new parents.  What do you say in a moment like this?  My heart went out to this young Mom as she quietly sat before two complete strangers who are in love with her son.  She was very shy and had little to say.  She did share that she thought it was the right thing to do to allow him to become our Son.  What a tough place for her.  Our hearts were broken for her as we knew this was probably the hardest and most awkward thing that she has had to do in her entire life.   As awkward as it was, it was also sweet.  She quickly came to the decision that the next step was to talk to Thunder's Dad.  And when I say, next step, I literally mean, the next step.  Before we knew it, we were left to watch 7 kids as they left to go and meet with him. Brooke and I were completely surprised that this was even happening.  As it would happen, the Dad was very taken back as to what he was asked to do.  Once again, the phone rang!  Charles called to let us know that the father wanted to meet us!  What in the world.  Before we knew it, we were in the same room with the parents of baby Thunder, Charles and his wife, and even Thunder himself.  Thunder's eyes speak of such sadness.  Not just sadness of his own story, but the story of his people.  Face to face with his Father, I know where Thunder's eyes came from.  

Our time was sweet, our time was hard, our time was awkward.  But, I felt Jesus in our midst. We have to trust that He is in this.  As we left it, it is now in the Dad's court.  He has a lot to wrestle with.  A lot of thoughts and emotions are weighing heavy on this man tonight.  Please pray that God would meet him right where he is at, and that He would give Thunder's dad peace.  Pray that He would give him a radical peace!  Pray that the Lord's will would be done in the life of this family.  In addition, please pray for us.  Our hearts are deceitful.  It is hard to trust in the Lord with all of our hearts... and to lean not on my own understanding.  How hard it is to feel my flesh and His spirit at war within me.  Brooke and I are both emotionally and physically tired through all of this.  It was so hard to leave Baby Thunder again.  Please pray for his health right now.  He is not doing so well, and I believe that he senses the weight of this situation, even at his young age.   Thank you family...


kim said...

Wow! We will be praying for peace for all of you.

Jason and Kathleen said...

wow Chris, I can't believe this has happened so quickly. We will be praying.

Kathy said...

You are such an incredible example of letting God work through you. Definitely will keep praying. Kat